Split vs. Ducted Air Conditioning – What’s the Difference?

If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner, you may wonder what the difference is between split and ducted air conditioning. Both types of air conditioners have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s critical to understand the difference before making a purchase.

Split vs. Ducted Air Conditioning - What’s the Difference? Modern interior design style with smooth satin blue colored wall and mild gray angular sofa

Split air conditioners are less expensive than ducted air conditioners and can be installed in smaller spaces. However, they are less efficient than ducted air conditioners and may not cool your home as evenly.

Ducted air conditioners are more expensive than split air conditioners, but they are more efficient and will cool your home more evenly. Ducted air conditioning installation also has the added benefit of being virtually silent.

Split Air Conditioning Systems

Split air conditioning systems are made up of an outdoor and an indoor unit. The compressors and condenser coils are housed in the outdoor unit, while the evaporator coils and fan are housed in the indoor unit. Split air conditioners come in a variety of sizes and capacities to accommodate any space. Installation is generally quick and easy, and you can install split air conditioners in any room with an exterior wall.

One advantage of split air conditioners is that they are less expensive than ducted air conditioners. Another advantage is that they can be installed in smaller spaces since they only require an exterior wall for installation. However, one downside of split air conditioners is that they are less efficient than ducted systems and may not cool your home as evenly. Also, split air conditioners can be noisy because the compressor is outdoors.

Ducted Air Conditioning Systems

Such conditioning systems typically consist of an outdoor unit, an indoor unit, and a series of ducts that circulate cooled or heated air throughout your home or office. Ducted systems are available in a variety of sizes to suit any space, and they can be installed in both new construction and existing buildings. Installation is generally more complex than split systems, but ducted systems provide a number of advantages over split systems.

Split vs. Ducted Air Conditioning - What’s the Difference? The neat vent of the HVAC system of the totally white smooth linear interior

Because there is only one outdoor unit for multiple indoor units, ducted systems are more energy efficient than split systems. It means that cooled or heated air does not escape through leaky ductwork like it can with split systems. Furthermore, unlike a split system, ducted systems distribute cooled or heated air evenly throughout your space. They also eliminate the possibility of hot or cold spots. And because the outdoor unit of a ducted system is located away from any living areas, ducted systems are virtually silent when in operation.

The biggest downside of ducted systems is their cost; they are more expensive than split Systems, both to purchase and install. But a ducted system is the way to go if you’re looking for an efficient and effective way to cool or heat your home.

How to Choose the Right System for Your Space

When choosing an air conditioning system, there are a few things to keep in mind. These are:

  • The size of your space: Make sure to select a system that is the appropriate size for your space. An air conditioner that is too small will not be able to properly cool your space. At the same time, an air conditioner that is too large will use more energy than necessary.

Split vs. Ducted Air Conditioning - What’s the Difference? Seamless contemporary design on the boxed interior with platform bed all in white

  • The type of space: The type of space you are cooling will also impact the type of air conditioner you need. For example, a ducted system is better suited for a large, open space. In contrast, a split system is better suited for a smaller space.
  • Your budget: Air conditioners can range in price, so choosing a system that fits your budget is essential. Also, keep in mind that some air conditioners may have additional costs, such as installation and maintenance.
  • The climate: The climate you live in will also impact the type of air conditioner you need. For example, a ducted system is better suited for a warm climate. Meanwhile a split system is better suited for a cooler temperature.

Split vs. Ducted Air Conditioning - What’s the Difference? Eames chair as impersonation of relaxation and comfort on the minimalistic contemporary design

The Importance of Consulting an Expert

Installing an air conditioner is a complex process that should be done by a qualified professional. An expert will be able to help you choose the right system for your space and budget and will ensure that the system is installed correctly. Additionally, an expert can provide tips on maintaining your air conditioner and troubleshooting any problems that may arise.

When it comes to cooling your home or office, there are a lot of factors to consider. But by taking the time to learn about the different types of air conditioners and consulting an expert, you can be sure to find the right system for your space.

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