Making the Most of a Small Bedroom

Your bedroom is meant to serve as a safe haven from the stresses of the outside world, your own personal fortress of solitude. It is in this space that you let your guard down and recharge your batteries on a nightly basis. However, if your bedroom leaves a lot to be desired in the space department, it’s easy to feel walled in and cramped, which is hardly conducive to peace and relaxation. Fortunately, with the right décor and a sprinkling of design know-how, you can make the most of limited space and turn even the smallest bedroom into a comfortable personal hideaway.

Making the Most of a Small Bedroom. Skylight at the cottage bedroom trimmed with wood

Purchase a Comfortable Mattress

The bed is the main attraction of any bedroom – and for good reason! The quality of your bed largely determines the quality of your sleep, and the quality of your sleep largely determines how well you’re able to function. Since trouble sleeping is associated with a plethora of physical and mental health issues, it’s important that you seek out a comfortable mattress, regardless of the size of your sleeping space. Even if you don’t have room for a large bed, you shouldn’t have any problem finding a luxury mattress in a compact size. Once you’ve found the perfect mattress, your next course of action should be acquiring a bed frame that’s both large enough and sturdy enough to comfortably accommodate it.

Invest in Multipurpose Furniture

Multipurpose furniture can be a boon to anyone dealing with limited space. So, when shopping around for the right bedroom furnishings, look for items that serve numerous purposes. For example, if you’re in the market for a bedroom-based television cabinet, keep an eye out for options that feature shelving and drawers. Similarly, if you’re searching for the perfect bedroom desk, limit your choices to options that offer vertical shelving. Furthermore, if a new bed frame is on your shopping list, look for frames that provide under-the-bed storage solutions.

Opt for Nesting Tables Over Nightstands

Nightstands are a staple of bedrooms the world over. A good nightstand can ensure that every item you may need throughout the night is within easy reach at all times. However, since furniture for smaller bedrooms should possess an enhanced degree of practicality, people dealing with limited space should opt for nesting tables over nightstands. Nesting tables are essentially multilayered nightstands, meaning they offer more storage space and a higher degree of convenience. These tables can be particularly convenient for people who have an abundance of bedside items. For instance, if you do a lot of nighttime reading and keep an abundance of books by your bedside, nesting tables are a smart option.

Opt for Vertical Over Horizontal

When searching for small bedroom storage solutions, you’d be wise to opt for vertical over horizontal. Tall, skinny shelves work much better in small spaces than wider shelves that emphasize horizontal storage. Vertical storage solutions ensure that you’re able to accommodate a wide variety of items while taking up minimal space. Additionally, because of how compact they are, you should be able to fit multiple vertically-inclined shelves into even the smallest bedroom.

Keep the Area Free of Clutter

Even in large bedrooms, copious clutter can be a hindrance to relaxation. Dirty clothes, scattered reading material, and old dishes are just a few of the items that have no business cluttering up peaceful spaces. Unsurprisingly, clutter can be even more of an issue in smaller bedrooms, where its presence is likely to prove more intrusive. Luckily, keeping your bedroom free of clutter is far from an arduous undertaking. Every day, take a few minutes to tidy up this space and take stock of any items that are out of place. Should you come across any items that have no business being in the bedroom (dishes, for example), promptly remove them.

Making the Most of a Small Bedroom. Classic atmosphere and the ceiling with cornices and fan

Your bedroom should be a place in which you feel truly at peace. If your bedroom is on the smaller side, however, you may have trouble letting your hair down. Since space constraints generally aren’t associated with feelings of peace and relaxation, small bedrooms don’t tend to be regarded as dens of tranquility. Still, with the pointers discussed above, making the most of even the smallest bedroom should be a piece of cake.

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