
House Design: Why It Is Important To Have Solid Floors And Walls Before You Start Decorating

It may be time for you to add a fresh coat of paint to your home. Whilst it’s not the most expensive activity compared to a full renovation, it can still be transformative. The same thing applies if you are wallpapering or having new carpets or vinyl laid. An often-ignored fact is that if you want to create a great living space, it’s important to have quality floors and walls before you start decorating. If you want to learn more, this article will explain why this should be your first consideration.

Solid Foundations And Flooring Are Essential

The Foundation

The whole of your building depends on the quality of your foundation. If it’s not solid, the whole house will be unstable and may even collapse. This is why it’s so important to buy a well-designed home. It should have a stable foundation that can support all of the extra weight that is placed upon it. Without it, your home may not be safe for you or your family. You may also run into problems with termites or other pests if your foundation isn’t solid.

The Flooring

It’s not just about aesthetics: a solid floor will last longer than one with hollow cavities underneath. This is because water might collect over time causing mold growth and unpleasant odors. Ultimately it could lead to damage to the entire structure. Before you place carpets or vinyl over your floors, check the floorboards and replace any faulty wood and address any gaps.

There are lots of websites that can provide specialist guidance in the form of helpful blogs and articles. Online shops often do the same and will provide a range of products that can benefit you. It’s possible to buy hard-wearing and durable floor coating, whether it’s floor sealers or paints for storage buildings, factory floors, garage floors, and more. You can discover helpful articles discussing things like floor preparation, finishing and aftercare, paints, colors, and more.

Wall Issues Get Worse Over Time

Walls are usually the first areas of a home to show signs of damage or loose plaster. If you don’t fix loose walls, you’ll find that they get worse and worse and may eventually lead to bigger problems if not addressed early on.

For this reason, it’s important for homeowners to understand what causes loose wall panels so that they can act quickly before things escalate into more costly repairs down the line. A common reason for loose wall panels is when the adhesive that holds them in place fails due to age or excessive heat/cold exposure.

Damp Creates Problems

If foundation cracks go unrepaired for an extended period of time, loose paneling is likely to start occurring because water could be seeping in through these imperfections. In turn, this will cause internal moisture issues which further exacerbate loose wall panels.

In addition, if your home has a history of moisture problems such as dampness or leaks, this will also cause your walls to become loose over time.

Your Work Will Look Inferior Without It

If you paint over uneven surfaces or wallpaper over bumps and lumps, your work will look subquality. Also, if your walls aren’t sturdy, it will be difficult to hang things on them and they may keep coming off. On the unstable floor, you’ll battle to keep your furniture in place too.

By taking the time to fix these issues before you start decorating, you’ll be able to create a smooth and even surface that will make your decorations look nicer. This includes addressing any wires, cables, or pipes that are sticking out, rather than being hidden behind the wall or being boxed in.

It Will Cost You More If You Don’t

If you ignore the issues and go ahead with the decorating you may need to undo all your work to get it fixed later on. Things will need to be ripped out, repainted, and reinstalled. As we have repeatedly emphasized, make sure your house is in good condition before you start decorating because it will save you time and money in the long run. It’s best to involve a professional from day one because it will be more expensive if they have to rescue the situation later on.

If you do it the right way, you’ll be delighted with the final outcome of your decorating work and it will look great for a very long time. Whilst cosmetic changes won’t fix the underlying issues, quality workmanship will maintain the property value and ensure that any future viewings by potential buyers will be successful.

SDI Admin

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